Monday, 4 December 2006

Mark - The Space Cuckoo

"Female parasitic-cuckoos seem to specialize and lay eggs that closely resemble the eggs of their chosen host. Parasitic cuckoos are grouped into gentes, with each gente specializing in a particular host. There is some evidence that the gentes are genetically different from one another. "

First, I parasite the Debian distribution and I try to attract some of its developpers. Then I inject my cheap dollars into Ubuntu and distribute CDROMS almost for free. This creates havoc on the ecosystem. People like Mandriva, who have to earn each dollar with their sweat suffer from that. The Suse distribution, which has all my respect because they contributed so much to my preferred desktop, KDE, suffers from Novell attitude. What do I do ? This is another opportunity for me to parasite the ecosystem.

For me, this is not the spirit of FOSS. FOSS main objective is to free the people from closed standards and closed systems. With FOSS, building blocks can be added to create bigger achievements. There are still plenty of areas where GNU/Linux can be improved. Mark, why didn't you inject your space trip ticket + all your Ubuntu uneeded expenses for that purpose ? Why a new distribution when there are already too many ?

This is a short list of subjects where you could have been more useful in the area of Desktop Linux :

- Work on hal / ivman / dbus to improve the peripherals management
- Work on KDE, not Gnome, to improve the user experience. I can't believe you support this Gnome thing so much.
- Work on the startup time
- Lobby ATI and Nvidia to have open source drivers
- Lobby the printer manufacturers to improve printing support
- Lobby to push Linux PC availability

FOSS needs Linus, Richard, Alan and others. A FOSS-friendly businessman voice would have been interesting to listen.

Here is a nice summary to read :

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